More photos will follow but I love this one and wanted to share it now.
OK that was quick. Bp. Gregory sent me four photos which are now in Photo Gallery. I will add to this album as photos become available.
Under the spiritual guidance of His Eminence, Gregory, Metropolitan of Boston, Locum Tenens of the See of Toronto
Celebrating traditional Orthodox Christian services and traditions in the English language
More photos will follow but I love this one and wanted to share it now.
OK that was quick. Bp. Gregory sent me four photos which are now in Photo Gallery. I will add to this album as photos become available.
The Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (HOMT) was established in 1991, under the spiritual guidance of His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Boston. HOMT is a member of the Holy Orthodox Church in North America and operates out of St. Nicholas Cathedral located in the east of Toronto, in the neighbourhood of Cliffside.
The primary goal of HOMT is to facilitate the maintenance of an ecclesiastical diocese that shall practice and forever uphold the Orthodox Christian faith, worship, teachings, and way of life in full accordance with the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church.
To achieve this goal, HOMT aims to establish organizations, programs and events to continue to develop and promote religious education and way of life of our faithful in the form of lecture series, discussion forums and educational material.
HOMT has member parishes and missions across Canada with its cathedral located in in Toronto – St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral (English-language services)
Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto
77 Craiglee Drive
Toronto, ON
M1N 2M6
St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral
77 Craiglee Drive
Toronto, ON
M1N 2N6